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Hombre Perro: Veinte mil pulgas de viaje en submarino (Spanish Edition)

By: Dav Pilkey

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DOG MAN IS BACK! The highly anticipated new graphic novel in the #1 worldwide bestselling series starring everyone's favorite canine superhero by award-winning author and illustrator Dav Pilkey!

Piggy esta de vuelta, y su nuevo plan es el mas diabolica hasta el momento. ¿QUE nuevos villanos hay en el horizonte? ¿DE DONDE salieron? Y ¿QUIEN dara un paso adelante para salvar a la ciudad cuando los sinverguenzas saboteen a nuestros superamigos? Hombre Perro: Veinte mil pulgas de viaje en submarino, con sus temas de amistad y de hacer el bien, esta lleno de accion y risas. Incluye un "Mordiscorama", una nueva cancion, un acaro monstruoso y ¡mucho mas que antes! ¡ES HEROICO, ES EPICO!

Piggy has returned, and his newest plot is his most diabolical yet. WHAT other new villains are on the horizon? WHERE are they all coming from? And WHO will step forward to save the city when scoundrels sabotage our Supa Buddies? With themes of friendship and doing good, Dog Man: Twenty Thousand Fleas Under the Sea is packed with action and hilarity. Featuring "Chomp-O-Rama," a brand-new song, a monstrous Mighty Mite -- and so much more than ever before! IT'S HEROIC, IT'S EPIC!

1.25 lb
Código de barras: 9781339043715

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Product Details

Publisher: Scholastic en español

Publication Date:

Pages: 240

Book Binding: Hardcover


  • Children's Superhero Comics
  • Children's Action & Adventure Comics & Graphic Novels
  • Children's Humorous Comics & Graphic Novels