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Casi, casi un hogar / Something Like Home (Spanish Edition)

By: Andrea Beatriz Arango

Los gastos de envío se calcularán al momento de pagar.

De la autora de Iveliz lo explica todo llega esta conmovedora novela en verso, donde un perro extraviado ayuda a una niña solitaria a reencontrarse con su familia. . .

¿Cuánto tiempo tienes que vivir en un lugar antes de que puedas llamarlo casa?

Laura Rodríguez Colón tiene un plan: no importa lo que digan los adultos, ella vivirá nuevamente con sus padres. Después de todo, ¿cómo les explicas a los demás que estás en un hogar de acogida, aunque sea el apartamento tu tía? ¿Cómo explicas que quieres volver a casa?
Un día, Laura encuentra un cachorrito abandonado. Parece cosa del destino. Tal vez es lo que necesita para concretar su plan.

From the author of Iveliz Explains It All comes this moving novel in verse, where a lost dog helps a lonely girl find a way home to her family . . . only for them to find family in each other along the way.

Titi Silvia leaves me alone to unpack,  but it’s not like I brought a bunch of stuff.
How do you prepare for the unpreparable?
How do you fit your whole life in one bag?
And how am I supposed to trust social services when they won’t trust me back?

Laura Rodríguez Colón has a plan: No matter what the grown-ups say, she will live with her parents again. Can you blame her? It’s tough to make friends as the new kid at school. And while staying at her aunt’s house is okay, it just isn’t the same.

But that’s all going to change. Because when Laura finds a puppy, it seems like fate. If she can train the puppy to become a therapy dog, then maybe she’ll be allowed to visit her parents. Maybe the dog will help them get better, and things will finally go back to the way they should.

After all, how do you explain to others that you’re technically a foster kid, even when you live with your aunt? Most of all . . . how do you explain that you’re not where you belong, and you just want to go home?

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Código de barras: 9781644738696

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Product Details

Publisher: Vintage Español

Publication Date:

Pages: 256

Book Binding: Paperback


  • Children's Books on Orphans & Foster Homes
  • Children's Hispanic & Latino Books
  • Children's Dog Books