Before We Met

Before We Met By Laura Krauss Melmed, Illustrated by Jing Jing Tsong (2016) – hardcover 

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Before We Met is a simple and sincere love poem from mother to child. Set in rhyming text, a new mom describes the dreams and feelings she experienced while pregnant. “Before we met, I dreamt your smile was shining back at me.” Reading through this book, I instantly recalled my own memories of pregnancy and the truly extraordinary bond one feels to their unborn child. What a lovely, unexpected experience to have from a children’s book! This book makes for an absolutely perfect baby shower gift. 

Jing Jing Tsong’s magical and ethereal digital illustrations further amplify the text’s dream-like sentiment. I became so enamored with her work that I immediately looked up what else she had illustrated. I highly recommend checking out her Instagram page @jingjingtsong.

Take-away message: Nothing is more beautiful and magical than the love between a mother and her unborn child.

TAGS: family, female lead, Asian, pregnancy, hardcover 

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