Too Many Mangos: A Story About Sharing
Too Many Mangos by Tammy Paikai, illustrated by Don Robinson (2009) – hardcover

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Recommended ages: 3 to 6

Too Many Mangos is an adorable story about sharing and a delightful celebration of neighbors and the delicious fruit, the mango! Based on the author’s childhood experiences, this book tells the story of two young Hawaiians, Kama and Nani, who help their grandpa pick mangos from his giant mango tree. They’ve collected quite a haul of all sorts of mangos, big and small, ripe and green. Granpa says there are way too many for their family to eat. So he sends Kami and Nani around the neighborhood to share their abundant crop.

In exchange for the mangos, Kama and Nani receive plenty of treats in return! Aunty Pua gives them fresh baked banana macadamia nut muffins, and Mr. Wong gives them home-made guava jam. Kama and Nani were excited to have received so many yummy treats just because they were willing to share. The story ends with Grandpa and the kids preparing a table and enjoying all of their new treats.

Take-away message: This is certainly a story about the power of sharing. But there is also a valuable lesson about not letting food go to waste. The mango tree produces more mangos than one family could possibly eat before rotting. And this story shows kids that, with a little effort, they can save food by sharing!

TAGS: family, grandparents, siblings, Hawaiian, hardcover

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